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- 2 Novembre 2019

UltraMinions is a high-quality minion plugin for many types of servers. UltraMinions is highly customizable with its many features.

⌸ MINER ⌲ Will place and mine the block that you set.
⌸ FARMER ⌲ Uses dirt around it to plant and farm the item of your choice.
⌸ LUMBERJACK ⌲ WIll plant and chop trees.
⌸ RANCHER ⌲ Will spawn and kill livestock of your choice.
⌸ HUNTER ⌲ Will spawn and kill mobs of your choice.
⌸ FISHER ⌲ This minion has as entities SQUID and GUARDIAN, UNKNOWN for normal fish.
⌸ PEASANT ⌲ The peasant minion this minion only works with Sandia and Pumpkin makes a natural production of these.
⌸ CACTUSCANE ⌲ This type of minion only works for Cactus and Cane you already have by default a cactus.yml guide and sugarcane.yml
⌸ COLLECTOR ⌲ This minion will collect items in a certain range and add them to a chest.
⌸ SELLER ⌲ This minion will sell items from the chest and add the amount of money to the player.

To work you only need to download and choose between the two files, UltraMinions.jar is for versions from 1.8 to 1.12 and UltraMinions_1_13+.jar is for versions 1.13 to 1.15.

⭲ /msetup reload ⌲ Reloads the plugin.
⭲ /msetup setup ⌲ Opens the setup inventory.
⭲ /msetup food ⌲ Opens the setup food inventory.
⭲ /msetup autosell <name> ⌲ Create a new one autosell.
⭲ /msetup autosmelt <name> ⌲ Create a new one autosmelt.
⭲ /msetup compressor <name> ⌲ Create a new one compressor.
⭲ /msetup fuel <name> ⌲ Create a new one fuel.
⭲ /msetup give minion <key> <player> <amount> ⌲ I'll give you the selected minion.
⭲ /msetup give fuel <key> <player> <amount> ⌲ I'll give you the selected fuel.
⭲ /msetup give autosell <key> <player> <amount> ⌲ I'll give you the selected autosell.
⭲ /msetup give autosmelt <key> <player> <amount> ⌲ I'll give you the selected autosmelt.
⭲ /msetup give compressor <key> <player> <amount> ⌲ I'll give you the selected compressor.
⭲ /msetup give skin <key> <player> <amount> ⌲ I'll give you the selected skin.

ultraminions.admin ⌲ Gives permission to use commands listed above.
minions.max.<amount> ⌲ Sets the maximum amount of minions someone can place<key> ⌲ Controls which minions a player can place.
Le plugin marche de la 1.8 jusqu'à la 1.16
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